Visitor Centre

The Carmichael Farm Shop has now moved into Summer hours, we are open Wednesday through Sunday from 10am to 5pm. Please note the Carmichael Bistro is closed at present for renovation work. 

The wax model collection is now Open! Entry is by donation so please pop into the farm shop.

Opened in 1994, the Carmichael Visitor Centre includes our own Farm Shop, The Carmichael Bistro & Tearoom and the former Edinburgh Wax Model Collection depicting Scotland’s millennium from Queen Margaret and Macbeth through to the present day.

Scotland’s story is told through realistic wax model scenes and informative story board interpretation. The scenes also depict crafts and culture from the countryside in this district. The visitor centre has a ‘Carmichael Clan Room’ dedicated to Carmichael Clan family history and the thousand year period that the family has lived on the land

8d2c5343-55d1-4f02-a06d-89685cda68a6_271_180Carmichael history walks and treks for cyclists and on foot from the visitor centre are available and the Licensed Carmichael Bistro/Tearoom provides meals and snacks all day featuring Carmichael produce – our own award winning venison, beef and lamb.

The Visitor Centre is free of charge to enter. Donations are most welcome if you enjoy your experience, in the box in the shop.


Contact Information:

Shop and Visitor Reception Telephone: 01899308169.  Postcode ML12 6PF

The Carmichael Bistro & Tearoom: 01899308328

Estate Office/ Cottage Bookings: 01899308336